full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Lori Gottlieb: How changing your story can change your life

Unscramble the Blue Letters

"Well, last night I discovered that for the past few months, he's been secretly having long, late-night phone calls with a woman at his oiffce. I googled her, and she's gorgeous. I can't believe this is hanpinepg. My father had an afafir with a coreokwr when I was young and it broke our family apart. Needless to say, I'm devastated. If I stay in this marriage, I'll never be able to trust my husband again. But I don't want to put our kids through a divorce, stepmom situation, etc. What should I do?"

Open Cloze

"Well, last night I discovered that for the past few months, he's been secretly having long, late-night phone calls with a woman at his ______. I googled her, and she's gorgeous. I can't believe this is _________. My father had an ______ with a ________ when I was young and it broke our family apart. Needless to say, I'm devastated. If I stay in this marriage, I'll never be able to trust my husband again. But I don't want to put our kids through a divorce, stepmom situation, etc. What should I do?"


  1. coworker
  2. office
  3. affair
  4. happening

Original Text

"Well, last night I discovered that for the past few months, he's been secretly having long, late-night phone calls with a woman at his office. I googled her, and she's gorgeous. I can't believe this is happening. My father had an affair with a coworker when I was young and it broke our family apart. Needless to say, I'm devastated. If I stay in this marriage, I'll never be able to trust my husband again. But I don't want to put our kids through a divorce, stepmom situation, etc. What should I do?"

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
phone calls 2
ted talk 2
supporting characters 2
blank page 2
friend tells 2
father died 2

Important Words

  1. affair
  2. broke
  3. calls
  4. coworker
  5. devastated
  6. discovered
  7. divorce
  8. family
  9. father
  10. googled
  11. gorgeous
  12. happening
  13. husband
  14. kids
  15. long
  16. marriage
  17. months
  18. needless
  19. night
  20. office
  21. phone
  22. put
  23. secretly
  24. situation
  25. stay
  26. stepmom
  27. trust
  28. woman
  29. young